Films Projects

Outside the Valley

I directed and produced this film. From Portugal to Uruguay, and Mexico City to New Zealand, we captured a story about how the world’s next great companies are coming from places far from the garages in Palo Alto that gave rise to Google, HP, Apple, and the other Silicon Valley giants.

Projects Television

American Harvest

I was the producer and director on this show which ran for 3 seasons and won a NAMA award.

Brought to you exclusively by CarbonTV, American Harvest is a serial documentary about the oldest industry known to mankind… farming. Follow along as we take you on a journey to see how farming is now becoming the most advanced industry the world has ever seen.

American Harvest follows Johnson Harvesting, Inc., a family owned custom farming and harvesting outfit in Central Minnesota. Originally an 80-acre family farm from the 1800s, the Johnson family farm evolved into a much bigger operation with over 2,500 acres. Since the 1950s, Johnson Harvesting has been transporting heavy machinery to southern states in the early
spring, and harvesting fields as they travel north back home to Minnesota.

The business is now led by brothers Lance and Shawn. Every year the brothers repeat the same cycle – prep, plant, route the harvest, and train a crew of young men to operate combines, grain carts, and semi trucks for the 8 months of harvest from Texas to Minnesota.

American Harvest also explores the support system around Johnson Harvesting. Bob Ehlers, an area farmer and consultant is a longtime friend of the Johnson’s. His associate, Leah Johnson, niece of Lance and Shawn, has taken her lifetime of farming influence and turned it into a career
of her own. Area agronomists, Ag salesmen, and researchers also add to the story.

The basics of farming and harvesting haven’t changed much over the years. What has changed isthe technology and the channels through which the money flows. The machinery is bigger, faster, loaded with computers, and more expensive. The stakes are higher with worldwide competition. The challenges are more nuanced with commodity traders, big corporations, various businesses competing for transportation, and a shrinking generation of new farmers. Add to all that, the ever-present force of Mother Nature. Like every farmer, the Johnson’s are effected by the changing dynamic of modern day farming. The choices are to adapt or fade away.

American Harvest is about more than farming. It’s about community, relationships, and the marriage of old wisdom and new technologies. It’s about exploration, growth, hard work, and the intricate system that ultimately feeds the world. Experience the extraordinary life of farming
through the eyes of Lance and Shawn Johnson, this season on American Harvest.

Films Projects

Inspired to Ride

Producer/Director 2nd Unit

Inspired To Ride follows closely the journey of a handful of 45 cyclists as they prepare, compete and experience what riding 300 miles a day feels like with only a few hours sleep.Their mission is to cover 4,233 miles in one enormous stage race, traversing through ten states in a transcontinental adventure of epic proportions – the inaugural Trans Am Bike Race, following the famed TransAmerica Trail. They will rely solely on their fitness, meticulously chosen gear and mental fortitude to get them to the finish. And to make it even more interesting, they’ll be self-supported – no crew, no follow vehicles and no prize money waiting at the end.

Official Website Official Facebook Official Twitter


World Fishing Journal


Casting for RecoveryCasting for Recovery – World Fishing Journal on World Fishing Network
See the entire segment here.
This segment was filmed in October with WFN’s Mariko Izumi on the Bitterroot River in Montana to highlight Casting for Recovery’s Second Annual Cast One for Hope fundraising event.




BOLT is a scripted drama about discovering the person you become when you follow your passions. Written and directed by Perry Lang, BOLT stars Michael Cassidy as Wyn Bolt, a tech genius who drastically alters his life following the death of his father.


Fast Company – One Filmmaker’s Life Lessons…

Fast Company Screen ShotLydia Dishman catches up with Hunter Weeks during the WALTER: Lessons from the World’s Oldest People theatrical tour for Fast Company’s Most Creative People.
One Filmmaker’s Life Lessons from Really, Really, Really Old People


10 MPH on CNN’s Day Break

An interview award-winning filmmaker Hunter Weeks and Josh Caldwell did with CNN shortly after releasing 10 MPH.


Wired Magazine


Screen: Indie Filmmakers Find Alternatives to the Multiplex

Hunter Weeks and his 10MPH partner Josh Caldwell were part of the pioneering indie film bunch who took distribution matters into their own hands.



ITVS Digital Initiative

ITVS-logoITVS Digital Initiative: Report from the Field
Case Study: Hunter Weeks and Josh Caldwell: 10 MPH


Independent Television Service, Inc. talks to the 10 MPH filmmakers about their distribution strategy.


The NY Times talks 10 MPH

logoprinterJeff Sabatini’s article With Halfway to Go, They’re Still Standing for The New York Times, reports on the 10 MPH film crew as they journey across America.


Hunter Weeks on NPR

nprlogo_138x46 NPR’s Liane Hansen talks with Hunter Weeks about 10 MPH.


Balancing Your Day Job And Your Documentary

resizePOV #docchat April 1, 2014

Hunter Weeks joined filmmakers Sebastian Diaz and Rodrigo Reyes for the April 1st edition of POV #docchat. This week’s discussion is Balancing Your Day Job And Your Documentary. The conversation was pretty full but the basics have been pulled together in Storify. You can navigate deeper into the Twitterverse once you get in there.


Online Athens

WALTER-Press4-BesseCooperGuinessWRPodcast: Interview with WALTER Director Hunter Weeks
by Andrew N. Shearer

This week’s Cinema File Podcast is an interview with director Hunter Weeks, discussing crowd funding, digital distribution, and how making a movie about the world’s oldest people changed him. Listen here.


OMBG Podcast

Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 12.03.10 PM The Old Man Bitter Girl Podcast. Episode 160: February 17, 2014
IN THIS EPISODE :: We sit down with Filmaker Hunter Weeks to talk about the film WALTER coming to the Victoria Texas Independent Film Festival. Listen here.


Victoria Advocate

Walter-Breuning-StillWalter to Kick off VTX Film Festival

An encounter with the world’s oldest man, Walter Breuning, prompts filmmaker, Hunter Weeks to travel around the world interviewing supercentenarians for life advice. His movie, “Walter” debuts opening night at the Victoria Film Fest on April 3. Full Story


Salt Lake Magazine

3b38ec403f4fd74a8f8220ebfed47249Talking Where the Yellowstone Goes with director Hunter Weeks

The Yellowstone River is the longest undammed river in the lower 48 states, and travelling on the river is a beautiful experience. Hunter Weeks captured that beauty in his film Where the Yellowstone Goes, which shows at Brewvies on April 4 at 7:30 p.m.

The director will be there to answer any of your questions, and if you ask he’ll probably even give you an autograph. But first, he answered some of ours. Check out our Q&A with Weeks below. Full Story


Film Specific

Audio Case Study: Hunter Weeks & 10 MPH

Hunter fills us in on what he did to get the word about his film, the hurdles he faced and overcame, how he went about learning the process of how distribution really works and how he made and continues to make his self-distribution efforts a big success. Hunter even tells us how our very own Self-Distribution Starter Kit inspired him in the process. Full Story


Great Falls Tribune

Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at 7.32.12 PM
Great Falls Tribune columnist Richard Ecke chatted with Hunter Weeks for an edition of Spray of the Falls, Ecke’s weekly update.


Daily Candy

Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at 7.20.48 PM editor DeAnna Janes put together a list of Little Indies that Should and featured WALTER in films that she thinks should be backed on Kickstarter.


St. Cloud Times

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WALTER producer, Sarah E. Hall, sat down with her hometown newspaper to talk about the latest Hunter Weeks documentary.